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Billing and Returns

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Do you invoice us? Where do I send my deposit?

We will send you an invoice directly. Please make your check or money order payable to FreshAddress, LLC and send to:

FreshAddress, LLC
Attn: Accts Receivable
36 Crafts Street
Newton, MA 02458

Please note that in most circumstances we must receive your deposit prior to beginning your project.

May I provide a PO Number?

Yes. We appreciate any effort you can make to ensure prompt payment.

May I pay by wire transfer?

Yes. Please visit your Client Portal to download our wire transfer instructions.

Do you accept credit cards?

You may pay using your Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express through your Client Portal.

Can you send me a W9?

Yes, a copy of our W9 can be found on your Client Portal.

What is your return policy?

Refer to your contract for specific information regarding credits and returns. FreshAddress standard policy is as follows:

“Please return any undeliverable email addresses to us in a text file within 10 business days of receiving your results. Please notify [email protected] once the undeliverable file has been transmitted.”