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How do I purchase my InstantData results?

Help Center   ❯  InstantData   ❯  Getting Started on InstantData

Learn how to purchase the data you need on InstantData.

After your list has finished processing, your dashboard will be populated with summary reports for Email Validation and Email Intelligence.

Now, you can choose to purchase the data you need.

If you’d like instructions via video, use the player below!

Purchase Email Validation

Navigate to the List Overview to see an overview of your results and add Email Validation to your cart.

Video: Purchase Email Validation Data

Purchase Email Intelligence

Under Email Intelligence, you can view match rates by field. Using the checkmarks, select only the services and fields you need and add them to your cart.

Video: Purchase Email Intelligence Data

Complete your purchase

Navigate to your cart by either clicking on the cart icon on the top navigation or right side.

Input your information and purchase.