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What is AtData’s API?

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AtData’s API allows you to process data in real time.

AtData’s API allows you to quickly and securely verify email addresses and match demographics and behavioral data to your customer list in real-time. AtData has APIs for Email Validation, Email Intelligence and Identity Matching, and your API keys can be managed through InstantData.

There are plenty of safe, secure, and fast options for uploading data with AtData. You can use:

AtData’s API dashboard on InstantData includes a client’s API key and summary charts, as well as download links for detailed reporting by day and month, fill rates and validation reports.


Any files submitted through the List API will be visible on the List Summary section of the dashboard.

List Summary Overview

Once you’re ready to view your results, you’ll select your uploaded list and dive into the List Overview section of our dashboard.

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This is where you can select different charts to illustrate your results, as well as your match report.


You don’t have to be a programmer to use the API! Learn how to set up your API key with AtData!

*Note: Clients can test the API with up to 100 queries per month.